
The lurking nuance

The lurking nuance
Generated using a prompt to DALL·E 3

I’ve talked before about using the verb form of a normally a-word (adjective) instead of using “estas [adjective]”, for example:

vi estas kuraĝa
you are courageous
vi kuraĝas
you are courageous

For a long while, I’ve kept my eye open for any information about whether these phrases have different nuances, or whether they are strict equivalents. And this week I found something.

Firstly, it makes sense that if everyone uses these alternatives interchangeably then nuances in difference will slowly be lost. And this has happened with many words, e.g.

vi estas prava
you’re right
vi pravas
you’re right

No one would notice a nuance if you chose one of these in particular over the other, since they’ve become so interchangeable.

However, to use an example of Claude Piron’s:

la lago estas blua
the lake is blue
la lago bluas
the lake radiates blueness/glows blue

The idea here is that given that "estas blua" is by far the more common construction, the other form feels intentionally different.

The possible nuance that arises when a word which is normally an a-word is made into a verb is a more action-like, verby meaning. So in the example above, the a-word only describes a static state of being blue, but the verb form bluas instead describes a blue-ness that is actually happening.

I think this nuance allows for some really interesting writing! Though I wonder how well it would come across in speech.

  • This page of the PMEG gives advice on making verbs, see the section “Verboj el ne-agaj radikoj” for information specifically about this idea of making verbs from a-words
  • This page of the PMEG gives advice on what I’ve been talking about, the loss of “esti”, under the section “Verbigo de perverba priskribo”